WRN is providing this information to help everyone in our community connect with the appropriate resources. We commend and honor the strength of all survivors of harassment, abuse, and misconduct. We stand with you and offer you our support.
The following information is current as of August 28th 2022.
WRN is providing this information to help everyone in our community connect with the appropriate resources. We commend and honor the strength of all survivors of harassment, abuse, and misconduct. We stand with you and offer you our support.
While resurfacing difficult and even traumatic memories in order to participate in an investigation can be challenging, it can also be a critical step toward meaningful healing, and it can help build a stronger, safer future for the Jewish community. Sometimes survivors internalize society’s message that their experiences weren’t “that bad” or aren’t “egregious enough” to warrant a report. However, WRN encourages anyone who has experienced anything that felt unsafe, transgressive, or unjust to share their story- either anonymously or with attribution- with the appropriate investigative team(s) and ethics committee(s). Unfortunately, you may need to report to more than one institution. We know that this can be daunting, but it is very important, as one survivor’s story bolsters another’s and helps our entire Movement become a safer environment.
Remember: There is no statute of limitations on ethics complaints and before you decide whether to file a complaint, you can have a confidential, supportive conversation with the chair of the Ethics Committee. Anyone with knowledge of misconduct, whether or not an alleged victim, may submit a complaint.
Central Conference of American Rabbis:
For information about the CCAR’s ethics code, you can visit https://www.ccarnet.org/about-us/ccar-ethics/. If you would like to have a conversation or file a complaint, send an email to ethics@ccarnet.org.
Union for Reform Judaism:
Click here to access the URJ's Ethics Accountability page where you can learn more about the URJ's Ethics Accountability process and/or make a report an incident if you have experienced or witnessed any harassment, abuse, or misconduct at a URJ worksite, camp, or program.
American Conference of Cantors (ACC) Ethics Committee:
Click here to access the ACC’s ethics code. For those who would like to file a complaint, contact the chair of the ACC’s Ethics Committee by sending an email to Cantor Kari Siegel Eglash at kseglash@gmail.com.
ARJE: Association of Reform Jewish Educators
Click here to access ARJE's ethics code. Any person with knowledge of misconduct may report a complaint. Complaints should be made at ethics@reformeducators.org which gets automatically sent to the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Ethics Committee and the Executive Director.
Hebrew Union College- Jewish Institute of Religion:
If you witness or experience misconduct at HUC-JIR, you can use this form to make a report.
For Students:
The U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR) is a federal agency with the responsibility of ensuring equal access to education through the enforcement of civil rights. https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/howto.html
For Employees:
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is the federal agency that regulates workplace discrimination. You can contact the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission by calling 800-669-4000 or check out its website at www.eeoc.gov. The website will help you locate an EEOC field office in your state.